My bitch of a slave wants to appreciate some of the excitement I have to offer. So I tell him if he makes an outstanding jov of licking my shoes and feet I may make up him. As I reaction some e-mails I tell him to begin with with my feet. We enhancement, and I then want to see how outstanding he with his encounter in my ass. He must remove my jeans anad turn them perfectly. Then I tell him to kneel on the floor, and as I take a job over him he has to highly put his encounter in my amazing ass. This is such a improve to my bitch, as he is allowed the advantage of the perfume from my ass. As he’s been reasonably understanding of my requirements. You are going to allow him another treat. I’m going to allow him the stylish of suffering from my junk. As I tell him to get that mouth of his comprehensive opan. I place my ass right into his encounter and decrease my junk into his mouth. He must take it all. I won’t believe the fact to any spend, as I sit and make sure he finishes all of it. When I know he’s finished, I tell him to keep where he is until I return. However, just after creating I identify that i need a pee. What an amazing way for my slave to fresh up down his formerly satisfaction. I tell him to ready himself, and that I’m going to offer him a extra treat. He is going to appreciate taking my pee. As I take a job over him I make sure his mouth is begin amazing and comprehensive. Its an amazing convenience as I immediate my pee into my sluts mouth. What a lucky bitch he is to appreciate the flavour of my dark red nectar. Within the make up, I tell him he must make sure he takes up up any pee from the ground.

Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 00:20:37
Video: MPEG-4 Visual, 1920×1080, 29.970 FPS, 7042 kb/s
Audio: AAC LC, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 152 kb/s
Size: 1.04 GB

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