EE-727 隠撮 出張中OL ビジネスホテル大便

A hidden camera was installed at a business hotel where female office worker on a business trip was staying. After returning from work, the girls spend their time in their own way, such as calling colleagues, relaxing in the bath or bed. When I went to the toilet while holding my stomach, I twisted out a thick poo as if I was spitting out the tiredness and frustration of work. The OLs who are anchored for several days continue to poop in the hotel toilet after that, but the condition of their stools varies depending on the day. There was also a day when I rushed to the toilet and sprayed stools loosely, probably because I was sick to my stomach. Please enjoy the whole story of the business trip and the life of office workers who are busy day and night!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 02:25:45
File Size: 5.31 GB

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