EE-744 隠撮 ジーンズモデル撮影会おしっこ漏らし

Model girls came to a photo session for a magazine’s new jeans feature. Many of the them were experiencing filming for the first time, and many times they reached for the drinks prepared in the waiting room, probably out of nervousness. However, someone had added a diuretic to the drink. The photo session begins without us even knowing it. The girls have to pause for a certain period of time in the poses instructed by the director, but their facial expressions become distorted and their bodies twist due to the sudden urge to urinate. Some of them asked for a break, but that didn’t work, and the photo session went ahead. She tried desperately to withstand the strong urge to urinate, but in vain, the forceful rush of urine overflowed like a broken dam, creating a large stain on her jeans. Please enjoy this work, which captures the agony of these women before they leak, and their abomination and shame after they leak.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 03:43:55
File Size: 8.15 GB

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