SL-587 Highway渋滞 女学生車内お漏らし

An official car that runs at high speed to the venue for exams and presentations held outside the school. In order to deliver the students to their destination on time, the steering wheel that the teacher holds is filled with strength. Students start to feel uneasy about the situation and traffic jams that they can’t get off for a while after getting on the highway. The excessive amount of water taken for the purpose of relieving tension was the enemy. Because she is young, urine is continuously produced and stored in the bladder. That speed is just above the legal speed limit. Desperate endurance is in vain, and the urination that overflows from the urethra reaches a great collapse and becomes a muddy stream like a runaway car and makes a stain of disgrace on the seat.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 03:02:31
File Size: 6.57 GB

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