EE-660 和式トイレ隠撮 尿力強めの女子校生限定!!便器ブチ当たりおしっこ 3

When I sneaked into the Japanese-style toilets here and there in the town, it turned into a spot where many school girls visit and pee. I wonder if they put up with it at school or cram school, the momentum of school girls’ pee is amazing anyway. Intense pee that does not match its appearance, when released from the urethra, hits the toilet in a straight line and makes a crackling sound. And when the urine that had accumulated in the bladder was drained, the school girls left the toilet with a somewhat pleasant expression. Today’s cute school girls’ urinary pee is outstanding.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920×1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 01:51:27
File Size: 4.63 GB

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